21 November 2009
Dinner at Hurricane Bay Part 2
20 November 2009
Dinner with the HK Ecko office in Hurricane Bay
19 November 2009
18 November 2009
Crab Rap, Yo!
17 November 2009
Hong Kong highrise
15 November 2009
14 November 2009
13 November 2009
..and then there was bird nest based desserts...
so apparently they boil down the nests of swallows, which are saturated with the birds saliva, to make a delicious, fruity, gelatinous concoction. my friends didn't explain this to me until after i had eaten about half of the dish. in turn, i tried to explain the obvious "spit or swallow" joke. my chinese friends were either offended and just played ignorant or they just really didn't get it... apparently, it very good for your skin (not even kidding).
hong kong noodle shop
12 November 2009
hong kong street food
11 November 2009
10 November 2009
09 November 2009
hong kong street shots
08 November 2009
copy cat googly eye cru
so the brooklyn-based googly eye cru is ubiquitous enough to have a chinese/hong kong knock off. my friend malia is the queen of the cru and she has definitely dropped some of her stickers during her travels to the orient... to see some pics of the real deal check out the link. googly eye cru
07 November 2009
hong kong airport terminal
06 November 2009
05 November 2009
illlicit carry-on items
21 July 2009
shanghai airport en route to hong kong
so all over china you can find chicken and duck wings sold pre-cooked and individually vacuum packed for your gastronomic delight. we finally broke down at the airport and bought a package of duck wings. when you break open the seal, there is a strange, yet familiar odour that emanates... then you notice the congealed duck fat encasing the wing... reminds you of crappy vienna sausages... you hesitate... you bite... and you realize that fried scorpions aren't really that bad. i love duck, for god's sake. i wanted to eat and enjoy. instead, the combo of the duck wing and a few chicken flavour pringles (also available in airport gift shop) sent my appetite packing for the night. here you see alison and andrew enjoying their wings. andrew is marvelously oblivious in his ipod distraction.
after hours--shanghai
the indomitable lin lin of jellymon with her equally intriguing friend. this shanghai crew was really fun, very cosmopolitan and definitely up to speed on all fronts. there were aussies, canadians, chinese, japanese, europeans and us americans all hanging out and talking about making and doing the things we will all be reading, blogging, hyping in the coming years. although our stay in shanghai was brief, it was the most comfortable city as far as cultural atmosphere goes. strangely enough, the local art scenes still seemed to be in its infancy relative to beijing.
after hours--shanghai
went to a spot after delish duck dish for drinks and to meet with a group of shanghai graffiti artists. this is a guy named SEAF sharing his black book with us. it's strange that graffiti even happens in china, considering the generally represssive government. however, according to these guys the police don't do anything as long as graffiti is only going up in certain places and neighborhoods. another instance where the government seems to be looking the other way while a creative culture takes hold in the younger generation.
peking duck in shanghai?
thrasher on the streets of shanghai
i came across this scene on the way to and from moca shanghai. some young shaman in a thrashing trance state above his sleeping eldery family member? all i know is that i was in the museum for at least 1.5 hours and i have no reason to believe that he ever wavered. unless, of course, he was just putting on a show for me...
moca shanghai
despite what you may think you know about the quality of chinese manufacturing, chinese artists are creating a lot of sculpture out of cast resin and metal with an incredibly high level of production value. granted, material and manufacturing costs are tremendously lower in china, and young chinese artists are taking full advantage. i saw quite a bit of sculpture throughout the galleries and museums in china that was ambitious in scale and finish. i was not always sold on the concepts, and some pieces definitely derived from the work of popular western artists, however i found the initiative and enthusiasm commendable. some pieces of interest, from top to bottom:
1. "the desire of a mosquito" by zhuang kolkoi, resin complete with mosquito sound effect
2. "finger pointed childish ox" by wallace chan, carved from obsidian
3. "divorce self from reality and act blindly" by liang binbin, koons-like cast metal with a hirst-like title
20 July 2009
moca shanghai
moca shanghai
after visiting zhang huan, a local friend of andrew wongs from his parsons days took us to moca shanghai (museum of contemporary art for the art nubes--sorry if that sounds snooty).
her name is lin lin and she runs jellymon (www.jellymon.com) with her boyfriend sam jacobs. they have some good stuff and apparently lin lin knows everyone in the world. after my return from china i was at a party and the hostess had a polaroid of her and lin lin sitting together. it was one of those classic "how do you know lin lin?" "how do you know her?" moments... she and sam had designed a nouveau tea room in the cafe area of the museum. adjacent to the tea room was a wall mural that looked half finished. however, it did sport the likeness of andy warhol and terry richardson (?). never got the full story on that one.
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