the large square blocks are literally called "stinky tofu" and they smell like your body odour after 10 days of backcountry camping. surprisingly, the taste is not that bad. however, during consumption i found myself repulsed by the smell to the point where i couldn't finish my block 'o' stinky tofu. and you thought grade school lunch was fraught with "mystery meat"... i think this was some sort of fermented or rotten egg that was then breaded and fried. after the stinky tofu i wasn't really in the mood to experiment... when you are with a local and he can't even figure out the identity of the squiggly items on the right it is a clear signal to stear just as clear. delicious tripe and other parts cooked in a fatty juice. another one of those dishes that surprises you with it's pungent aroma.
chronicles of a two week, five city tour of the next unrivaled empire of the world. you heard it here first. (actually, i'm sure you have heard that before. don't you read thomas friedman?)
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