21 July 2009

shanghai airport en route to hong kong

so all over china you can find chicken and duck wings sold pre-cooked and individually vacuum packed for your gastronomic delight. we finally broke down at the airport and bought a package of duck wings. when you break open the seal, there is a strange, yet familiar odour that emanates... then you notice the congealed duck fat encasing the wing... reminds you of crappy vienna sausages... you hesitate... you bite... and you realize that fried scorpions aren't really that bad. i love duck, for god's sake. i wanted to eat and enjoy. instead, the combo of the duck wing and a few chicken flavour pringles (also available in airport gift shop) sent my appetite packing for the night. here you see alison and andrew enjoying their wings. andrew is marvelously oblivious in his ipod distraction.

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