26 October 2008

unknown gallery and artists in 798

i saw so much art and the spaces were so overwhelming that i failed to note some of names of artists and galleries.  while there was definitely a broad spectrum in terms of the quality of work on view, overall the 798 art district experience is pretty amazing.  closest thing i can compare it to is the art barf that art basel in miami beach has become, but that's only for 4 days.  this is a permanent fixture in the beijing art scene.

how you like the simian riff on damien hirst?  seems like everyone is biting that game.
i was a little more impressed with the beuys reference.  instead of fat this was basically a burned wax candle chair.  pretty sweet homage, actually.

so the chinese eat a lot of strange critters (more on that later) but one might gather from this series of images that they also sleep with some of their strange food stuffs.

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