21 November 2009

Dinner at Hurricane Bay Part 2

Huge prawns covered in chiles.
Family style, complete with lazy susan.
Some sort of lobsterish/shrimpish cross-bread fried and powdered with cayenne pepper.
Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads...
Gelatin with floaty bits, served as dessert. As many of you know, I don't favour gelatin-based foods.

20 November 2009

Dinner with the HK Ecko office in Hurricane Bay

Some of our HK counterparts
Yes, that is a whole duck head...
I love scallops and these were some of the best I have ever eaten. They were covered with glass noodles and loaded with garlic.
Some sort of chopped up spiny lobster which was then deep fried.
Overall, the food in China was fantastic. Hurricane Bay is located right on the water (obviously) and the waterfront is lined with restaurants serving the finest fish available. We all know seafood is best served fresh and these restaurants all have massive banks of fish tanks in front of them holding a variety of seafood. There were some fish in the tanks that had to weigh 100+ pounds. Unfortunately, I waited until after dinner to shoot pics of them and our meal involved so many courses that by the time we were finished all the tanks had been shuttered.

19 November 2009


This shop sold all manner of exotic (to my eyes) food items. At first I thought these smoked ham hocks were some sort of special dried goose...

18 November 2009

Crab Rap, Yo!

These poor crabs were wrapped up and sitting in a bin at a street market. I couldn't confirm whether or not they were definitely alive, but the fact that they were so tightly bound led me to believe that they were. PETA would have a field day...

17 November 2009

Hong Kong highrise

A typical view of the exterior of many buildings in Hong Kong. The city is vertically overbuilt with tall, narrow, nondescript structures many of which seem to have cobbled on additions and upgrades. It seems that all of these A/C units, along with their requisite pipes, ducts and cables, were a total afterthought

14 November 2009


sooooo, i know it's supposed to be a pig, but doesn't it look like a roasted rat? it's the maraschino cherry eyes, right?

13 November 2009

..and then there was bird nest based desserts...

so apparently they boil down the nests of swallows, which are saturated with the birds saliva, to make a delicious, fruity, gelatinous concoction. my friends didn't explain this to me until after i had eaten about half of the dish. in turn, i tried to explain the obvious "spit or swallow" joke. my chinese friends were either offended and just played ignorant or they just really didn't get it... apparently, it very good for your skin (not even kidding).

hong kong noodle shop

a light lunch of aromatic street food, i was pleased to join andrew and his lady for some savoury noodle soup and steamed vegetables. delicious dishes.

12 November 2009

hong kong street food

the large square blocks are literally called "stinky tofu" and they smell like your body odour after 10 days of backcountry camping. surprisingly, the taste is not that bad. however, during consumption i found myself repulsed by the smell to the point where i couldn't finish my block 'o' stinky tofu.
and you thought grade school lunch was fraught with "mystery meat"...
i think this was some sort of fermented or rotten egg that was then breaded and fried. after the stinky tofu i wasn't really in the mood to experiment...
when you are with a local and he can't even figure out the identity of the squiggly items on the right it is a clear signal to stear just as clear.
delicious tripe and other parts cooked in a fatty juice. another one of those dishes that surprises you with it's pungent aroma.

11 November 2009

no parking, baby...

seems obvious enough.

10 November 2009

grand hyatt hong kong

seemed like a pretty nice place. the "when" makes it seem inevitable, though.

09 November 2009

hong kong street shots

"game over" mr. money bags was perfectly appropriate considering the u.s. ecomony was shitting the bed while we were galavanting around china...

08 November 2009

copy cat googly eye cru

so the brooklyn-based googly eye cru is ubiquitous enough to have a chinese/hong kong knock off. my friend malia is the queen of the cru and she has definitely dropped some of her stickers during her travels to the orient... to see some pics of the real deal check out the link. googly eye cru

07 November 2009

hong kong airport terminal

check the structural elements on the ceiling of the hong kong airport terminal. don't really understand the engineering going on here, but i'm keen on the visuals...

06 November 2009

motel 168, as seen from hong kong airport

see how space age? just showing off...

05 November 2009

illlicit carry-on items

some items that are apparently banned on flights from mainland china to hong kong. it was always the little things that reminded you of the oppressive government policies...